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How do you feel about books

How do you feel about books

The Bulgarian magazine "Cosmos" offers a test for those who want to determine their attitude to the book. So, choose the most suitable answers to your questions.
1. What will you do if you find out that your existing scientific and technical book has been published as the second edition with some changes and additions?
2. If a book on a specialty in a foreign language falls into your hands, what feelings do you feel?
3. Visiting other cities, visiting bookstores?
4. Do you read science fiction?
5. When do you prefer to read?
6. By what principle do you select books to read?
7. You read a book by an unknown author that you liked. What do you do?
8. Vague places in the book you
9. The book is written uninteresting, but for some reason you need to know its contents. What do you do?
10. Will you tell your friends and colleagues about the book that interests you?
11. Do you read reviews of books in newspapers and magazines?
12. Having read the book, do you feel like writing a review or, say, speaking at a reading conference?
13. How do you replenish your library?
14. Do you get books that are uninteresting to you, but “fashionable” and well-published?

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